© 2007 - 2019 Old Basing Allotment & Garden Society
Annual General Meeting 2009
At the OBAGS Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 29 November, 2009 the following changes to the Committee were agreed for the 2010 year:
After many years’ service to OBAGS Sally Friday has resigned from the committee. We are all greatly indebted to her for the contribution she has made to the Society’s affairs. Sally retires with the grateful thanks and appreciation of the Committee and Members. Les Orvis has taken over her role as Vice Chairman and he has been given responsibility for liaising with the Parish Council. Sally’s Publicity role has been taken on by our Treasurer, Janet Cloke.
Wendy Gell has had to relinquish her Secretary/Membership Secretary post due to family commitments. Jenny West is now Secretary and Chris Hall has taken on the duties of Membership Secretary. Thanks are due to Wendy for her work over the last year.
Philip Ward has returned to the Committee and will manage the members’ seed order.
All other members agreed to continue in their present capacities for a further year, and there being no other candidates, were duly elected.
After several years pegged at £3, the membership fee rises to £4 for the 2010 season. This still represents excellent value for money and can quickly be recouped by a few judicious purchases at the Trading Huts.
The national organisation to which OBAGS is affiliated, the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners (NSALG), now requires the names and addresses of all members of affiliated societies, so that they can verify that callers to its helpline are entitled to use the service. Because of this, plus the need to update our membership database, the committee has agreed that all members renewing in 2010 will be asked to fill in an application form, which will ask them to confirm that they agree to this personal data being kept both by OBAGS and copied to NSALG.
The following dates were agreed for the coming season:
Tidy Up and Maintenance, Trading Huts - 10 & 11 April, 2010
Annual Plant Sale - 9 May, 2010
A social lunchtime gathering for members at the Trading Huts from 12.00, 4 July, 2010 - more to follow.
Annual General Meeting - 28 November, 2010
It was agreed that people wishing to join OBAGS from 1 September in any year, would, upon payment of the membership fee current at the time, receive membership for the year following, and in addition be permitted to make purchases at the Trading Huts for the remainder of the current year (i.e. up to 5 shop days).